Affiliate Benefits

Affiliate Benefits

Affiliate/Partners Program Benefits

Affiliate Type Benefits

i.e. White-labeling, Marketing tool, Lead resource/generation benefits, NO linking required other than the application itself.

  • Affiliate(Partner) shell application (Cleanly written, clearly tagged, customizable HTML code) created by ePrequal.
  • User/password protected ePrequal Affiliate Admin metrics reporting.
  • Automatic text message (CRM - Customer Relationship Management) follow-up (contact information).*
  • Exclusivity of all leads generated through your ePrequal affiliate solution.
  • No obligation of link exchange.
  • Set-up - The requirements for ePrequal Affiliate solution involve only basic HTML programming experience. It’s as simple as cutting & pasting the few lines of HTML code provided. The ePrequal application will appear on your website and may be branded as you wish.
  • Simplicity - Simply fill-out the ePrequal Affiliate application form provided. Our affiliate technician will perform a cursory evaluation of the website where you intend to feature the ePrequal application, approve your Affiliate status and provide specialized support. Everything you require to offer your customers the money-generating application on your website.

In other words, unlike most other affiliate programs the ePrequal affiliate program does not encourage visitors to your website to click on any links passing through to another website. The ePrequal application simply works in the ‘background’ of your website’s offerings and within minutes responds with the ‘industry standard format’ home loan prequalification report.

*There are 5 main parts to each Home Loan Prequalification result. They are: 1) Prequalification Certificate 2) Financial Summary of the Transaction, Loans Terms, and Closing Costs 3) Credit Report with Scores, 4) Client Data Summary report, and 5) Fannie Mae DU 3.2 file.

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